From siloed sales and marketing to full-funnel account-based marketing and demand generation

We help your team develop an ABM strategy, launch pilot programs, operationalize and scale the programs without ramping up budget or depending on external agencies.

Trusted Marketing Partner

for European and North American B2B tech companies

Marketing Now Generates 60%
of Our Pipeline

Our Process

Full-Funnel Account-Based Marketing and Demand Generation

1. ABM strategy development

We go together through a four-week strategy sprint that includes:

  • Assessment of current marketing and sales processes
  • Challenges both teams face and the root reasons behind them
  • Revenue and channel analysis to identify focus markets and ICP for the ABM campaigns
  • Custom ABM strategy development including detailed:
    • Goals
    • Verticals
    • ICP
    • Account qualification and segmentation
    • ABM team and time involvement
    • Stack
    • List of target accounts
    • Metrics and KPIs for the pilot campaign
  • Marketing and sales alignment with ICP, strategy and playbooks

“It’s always very difficult to align Sales and Marketing, lots of companies say they are aligned but I don’t think I can ever see I’ve seen it done properly (until now). The FullFunnel team has helped us implement a variety of different ABM campaigns (proper ABM campaigns!) that have allowed us to expand our networks and build pipeline through top-of-the-funnel activities. Most importantly, marketing and sales development are now working towards common goals so we are now winning as a team not just siloed business units. The way in which FullFunnel team has worked with us has essentially allowed them to become an integral part of our team, and the value they has brought our teams has been priceless.”

James Loveridge

PGS Software [acquired by Xebia]

2. Pilot ABM program execution

Within a single quarter, we’ll work with a pilot team to implement a minimal viable full-funnel program, without pausing existing processes. The pilot team usually consists of one marketer and one sales development rep.

When we hit the target KPIs, we move to the operationalization and scaling stage.

6 Sales
in 6 Weeks

from a pilot ABM campaign

3. Developing the full-funnel demand generation and ABM function

At this stage we combine ABM with demand generation function to create a holistic model that creates awareness, generates demand and activates accounts that are already engaged across the full funnel.

Breaking Marketing and sales silos

with a 2-month pilot program at Cardata

Is our full-funnel ABM model the right fit for you?

Here is a simple checklist to evaluate if our ABM approach is a good fit for you

Long Sales Cycle (>180 days)

If your sales cycle is short and transactional, we’d recommend focusing on demand capturing activities (ads, SEO, cold outreach) instead of ABM

Ability to staff the pilot team

You need to be able to create a pilot ABM team to work with us, including one marketer (0.8 FTE) and one sales development rep (0.3 FTE)

Multiple buyers are involved in vendor evaluation and buying processes

If you usually deal with multiple people who influence the buying decision, ABM is a perfect strategy

Average Deal Size > $30k

Will it pay off to proactively market and prospect a specific set of accounts? We suggest considering ABM if the average deal size of your best customers is higher than $30k

22 enterprise deals and two closed opportunities

from a pilot ABM campaign

Are we a good fit as a partner?

We believe that B2B marketing has a strategic role, is done across the full funnel and should:

Generate awareness and demand in your target market to source pipeline with inbound opportunities

Help sales with demand capturing and supply sales with engaged accounts for further prospecting, nurturing, and activation

Marketing ≠ sales. 
Marketing ≠ lead generation.
Marketing ≠ a sales assitant.

The deck below describes our philosophy and the points we should be aligned with.

5 Enterprise
Deals From
a Pilot ABM

from a pilot ABM campaign

How we’ll work together

After developing and aligning on the ABM strategy and core programs, we start launching the campaigns together with your team while explaining the processes and training them.

Requirements to work with us

Understand that we are building a long-term strategy and motion instead of quick one-time lead gen tactics

If your sales cycle is short and transactional, we’d recommend focusing on demand capturing activities (ads, SEO, cold outreach) instead of ABMWith long sales cycles, we can't expect instant spike in revenue. We define together KPIs and leading indicators and focus on metrics that impact revenue and sales pipeline velocity

Having one dedicated person from your team for inhouse project management

While we can engage with all team members, we prefer to have one dedicated person from the customer side, who'll be in charge of coordination, control and reporting on execution on your side

Transparent pricing


Full-funnel strategy development
$ 7.500 one-time
  • Deep assessment of current marketing and sales processes through marketing and sales interview and analysis of GTM documentation
  • Challenges both teams face and the root reasons behind them
  • Revenue and channel analysis to identify focus markets and ICP for the ABM campaigns
  • Custom ABM strategy development including detailed playbooks, timeline, metrics and resources aligned with the available marketing and sales capacity
  • Marketing and sales alignment with ICP, strategy and playbooks

Ongoing consulting

Hands-On Consulting and Execution
$ 10.000 per month
  • Weekly conference calls (including practical workshops & execution and Q&A calls)
  • Sprints with concrete milestones and deliverables to help you build and keep a positive momentum in building your sales and marketing approach
  • Ongoing support via Slack or another messenger for chat and discussion
  • Project dashboard with tasks status
  • Project plan, orchestration, management and control
  • Prepare necessary templates. Working with and training your team to launch & maintain different ABM and demand gen programs
  • Feedback on all marketing and sales content
  • Campaign documentation: checklists, templates, instructions
  • Timely advice and feedback to project team members on project implementation issues
  • Reporting

Book a call with

Our consulting fees start at $15K per sprint.